Dishchii'bikoh Community School Home

For Everyone, A way to Learn, Grow, and Succeed

About Us

Otherwise known as Cibecue Community School.
We are a K-12 Title I Grant School funded primarily by the Bureau of Indian Affairs since 1991.  We are an established 501(c)3 Non-Profit under Cibecue Community Education Board, Inc.

Mission Statement

For Everyone, A Way to Learn, Grow, and Succeed

Recent News

Dishchii'bikoh Community School Governing Board

Congratulations to our newly elected board members Erma Beatty and Wynette Smith and David Bonito for being re-elected.

Meet our Dishchiibikoh Community School Governing Board.
David Bonito- President
Donna Cooley- Vice President
Wynette Smith- Secretary
Tony Alsenay- Treasurer
Amashia Albert- Member
Erma Beatty- Member

Campus Parent Portal

Please contact the front office to request an account. The front office staff will provide the username and password. Please refer to the attached file. Thank you.
  • Parent Involvement We believe that parent participation is key to student success.
  • School Programs The Dishchii'bikoh Community School is a K-12 school; the school offers courses in Reading, Mathematics, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Computer and various Electives. The Dishchii'bikoh Community School also offers other programs such as Special Education, Talented and Gifted, Native Language, Sports program and Dual Credit program for High School.
  • Native Languages The Dishchii'bikoh Community School has a strong Native Language (Apache) Program for kindergarten to 12th grade students. The school strengthens the Native Language through Immersion Approach; the school also supports the Apache Culture and Tradition. We have programs available such as Apache Club, Apache Culture and Art classes. Celebration of Indigenous Culture Day and Native American Heritage Day included in the school calendar.